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Winner Stats of All Casinos and Top Lists

We collect winners from over 150 online casino sites and mobile casinos, and present daily-updated winning statistics based on casinos. See the most popular online games, the largest winners and summarized players geography.

Top 12 ONLINE CASINOS by total payouts to winners in 2024.

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Online Casino Software Rank Wins Total Win Average Win

Live totals of online casino wins in 15 various currencies were converted into US Dollars using corresponding currency exchange rates.

Top 10 MOBILE CASINOS by total players' winnings since 2008.

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Mobile Casino Software Rank Wins Total Win Average Win

Live totals of winnings in 11 currencies were re-calculated to US Dollars. We provide summarized winners data for 2006 - 2024.

* Rank - ranking reflects the number (and size) of huge wins in an online casino. 5* - over 5 multi-million Dollar jackpot wins are paid, 4,5* - there were at least one big win of over $1 million or 15 six-digit wins, 4* - there were 5+ six-digit wins in US$, 3,5* - the casino has paid at least one $100K+ jackpot or 15 five-digit wins, 3* - there were over 5 five-digit wins...

ALL CASINOS listed alphabetically with total payouts for all times.

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Casino Software Rank Wins Total Win Average Win


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DISCLAIMER: Online Wagering is illegal in some Jurisdictions. It is your responsibility to check your local regulations before playing online. WinnerStrategy takes no responsibility for your actions. Gambling can be addictive, please play responsibly.